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Overconsumption continues for a number of reasons. Many people now have a desire to have more things to make them happy. Having more things that is not necessary is wasteful and creates more pollution.


How Can You Help?

You can help to stop overconsumption if you reuse, reduce, repair, refuse and recycle the materials that you use. Additionally, consumers should:

1. Use Solar Power

2. Travel Eco-Friendly Way (especially, transportation)

3. Buy sustainable and eco-friendly materials

4. Donate old clothing
5. Buy less

Overconsumption damages the environment and the economy. This makes global warming which is a threat to our future.


In this photo ther´s clutter because there are a lot of papers and cardboard that we can recycle.


What we can see that there are several pots, what we want to show with this photo is that in our high school are people with the intention of helping the environment.
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